Receptra Targeted Topical Relief 400mg- $44.99; 800mg - $71.99; 1oz THC free- $44.95

Receptra Targeted Topical Relief 400mg- $44.99; 800mg - $71.99; 1oz THC free- $44.95

Charlotte's Web Topical: .5oz- $14.99; 1.5oz- $29.99 Screen Shot 2020-04-08 at 3.53.00 PM.png

Charlotte's Web Topical: .5oz- $14.99; 1.5oz- $29.99

CBD for Life Rubs: $25

CBD for Life Rubs: $25

Head and Heal Full Spectrum Lotion 600mg 4oz: $45 Screen Shot 2020-04-14 at 6.13.51 PM.png

Head and Heal Full Spectrum Lotion 600mg 4oz: $45

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Lazarus Naturals Full Spectrum Balm: .5oz- $15; .67oz- $16; 2oz- $42

CBD Living Topical Patch. 60mg. $15

CBD Living Topical Patch. 60mg. $15

Re: Botanicals Body Oil Roll-On, 500mg: $34.99 Screen Shot 2020-04-16 at 10.25.51 AM.png

Re: Botanicals Body Oil Roll-On, 500mg: $34.99

Receptra Body Butter: 3.25oz $39.95
sold out

Receptra Body Butter: 3.25oz $39.95
